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Chat Sarah-val
DishDiva says: Welcome to MSN Live! This afternoon we pleased to welcome actress Sarah Michelle Gellar who stars in the new film "The Grudge."
DishDiva says: Sarah, welcome to MSN Live!
MSNLive_Star says: Thank you for joining us.
DishDiva says: We have so many questions, let's get started!
e2matoe in Onstage_1 asks: What was it like to work in Japan? Was it fun to experience new things around town?
MSNLive_Star says: Japan was amazing, I couldn't have asked for a more beauiful country with nicer people. I loved every minute of it.
smellycatgirl in Onstage_1 asks: which scene scared you the most while making "the grudge?
MSNLive_Star says: Goodness. I think any scene with Toshio or Kayako.
TarahP in Onstage_1 asks: Hello Sarah, what was your favorite part of the japanese culture? Also, favorite type of sushi?
MSNLive_Star says: There's so much to learn from the Japanese culture. It's just a beautiful culture based on tradition and the elder have to give. We live in a throw away society and I loved the pride of their history and beliefs.
XxbuffylivesxX in Onstage_1 asks: I saw a recent interview where you said that "The Grudge" is unlike mainstream American horror film, even scarier. How so?
MSNLive_Star says: Just in the mannor in which it's filled. I think Hollywood horror has become formulaic. They follow a certain formula and in this movie, all the rules have changed.
Angeliyc1 in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah do you think that you will stick to movies or will you one day return to the small screen (ie television) we all miss buffy LOTS
MSNLive_Star says: Thanks, I miss Buffy a lot. It just depends. The schedule on a 1 hour television show is so grueling, I just can't do it right now. But I never say never.
amorfati85 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Sarah. At first I would like to say hello to you from your Finnish fans. We love you very much. Then to the question. Southland Tales... Interesting cast and interesting -- well everything. Can you tell us something about your role in this movie?
MSNLive_Star says: It's so hard to explain. Richard Kelly is such an incredible genius. I will say my character is a porn star.
DishDiva says: Ok, then.
HPD2004 in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah besides Japanese, what other languages do you know and which language would you like to learn? How about spanish? Lol, "Te quiero Sarah!" ... "That means, I love you Sarah".
MSNLive_Star says: Unfortunately I'm still working on English. I take a little bit of Spanish but unfortunately in America we don't stress learning new languages at a young age and my brain is too old. (laughs)
DishDiva says: Sarah, when I met you a few weeks ago, I caught your great sense of humor. Have you thought about doing a comedy?
DishDiva says: Evil comedy I think you would be good at.
MSNLive_Star says: I love comedy but my comedy is esoteric that it has to be the right thing.
playground_1 in Onstage_1 asks: How did your cast help you make a good movie?
MSNLive_Star says: The cast is amazing. When you're that far away from home and isolated, they are the first people you rely on. To have a cast this diverse just made it more fun. We were able to spend time together and days off exploring.
mialove83 in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah, you are such an inspiration to me. You're always so optimistic and eager to learn. What is the trick to staying so positive in a career full of criticism?
MSNLive_Star says: That's a really good question. Ya know, my mother always taught me to believe in myself, and the key to others believing in you is self confidence. Life is too short to live it with the glass half empty.
only_spuffy16 in Onstage_1 asks: First, I'd like to tell you that you're a real model for our generation and for me and the question is How do you prepare yourself when you play a role in a movie?
MSNLive_Star says: It just depends and what's asked of you. Sometimes it's something you can relate to and other times, you have to have faith in the script and director. Obviously playing a foreigner in Japan wasn't a stretch.
Tallgent75 in Onstage_1 asks: Hey, Sarah! Congrats on The Grudge and landing Southland Tales. Twisted fun times for you ahead. My questions is: What's been your greatest acting challenge from an emotional standpoint thus far, and how did you get yourself into that scene?
MSNLive_Star says: I think each job, or hopefully each job, presents it's own challenges. You learn with each job. Catherine in "Cruel Intentions" and "Buffy" have their own emotional ups and downs. I would hate to pick one. If I had to pick one it would be "The Body" the
MSNLive_Star says: episode where Buffy's mother died.
smgpixcomfrenchie in Onstage_1 asks: How was it to make the animated project, Happily N’Ever After with Freddie, and when will you promote it?
MSNLive_Star says: Animated movies are fun because as an actor you have to get up early and get makeup done. There's something to be said for going to work in a baseball cap. Animated movies take such a long process.
DarkPrincess1984 in Onstage_1 asks: Many many greetings from Austria! what are your plans for the future? And are you content with your past?
MSNLive_Star says: Yes. I am content with my past. I believe life is a series of lessons and it's our job to learn from them. If you can take from them, they are worth experiencing. As for my future, I take it one day at a time.
KissMeJane in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah as you've shown yourself to be a giving person, could you tell us the charities that are most important to you?
MSNLive_Star says: I'll tell you some of my favorites. I love the Make a Wish Foundation and Starlight Foundation that grant terminally ill children wishes. Also Starbright that hooks up home bound kids to the internet. Project Angelfood who takes food to homebound people.
Bebechick88 in Onstage_1 asks: Thanks for coming! Where do you get your great fashion sense? You're my idol!!
MSNLive_Star says: Habitat for Humanity and anything to do with breast cancer like Young Survivor's Coalition. The thing about charities is they are all important and you can always make a difference.
MSNLive_Star says: I just love clothing and fashion. I love vintage pieces. It comes from passion. Passion for fashion. (laughs)
eda_turkish in Onstage_1 asks: Do you still have contact to Jason, I mean are you two friends or are you too busy to meet?
MSNLive_Star says: I think he's just two floors below me in the hotel, so that's a no. (laughs) We're having dinner with me as soon as his chats over, so don't forget to ask him lots of important questions about me. (laughs)
Sweetjam79 in Onstage_1 asks: What makes you the happiest at this time in your life?
MSNLive_Star says: Pretty much everything. I'm pretty happy these days. I don't think there's one specific thing that makes me happy.
DishDiva says: Does acting still make you as happy as when you first started?
MSNLive_Star says: Oh it makes me happier. I love what I do and I think it's great I get to get up every morning and do a job I love. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love it.
douhaveagrudge in Onstage_1 asks: Will you do some promo for "The Grudge" in Europe?
MSNLive_Star says: Yes I will. But I don't know exact dates and specifics. I think they keep me on a needs-to-know basis. (laughs)
ILuvJasonBehr3 in Onstage_1 asks: Jason is one of my favorite actors. I read that while in Japan you guys watched Roswell, did you enjoy watching it?
MSNLive_Star says: They stole my e-mail address! (laughs)
MSNLive_Star says: I had seen it when it came on the first time in Japanese. Anything that is in another language is pretty funny.
DishDiva says: Do you have a choice in who voices your characters?
lmblack21 in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah you once said you'd like to do a play,maybe in the West End, London. Is that still something you'd like to do and what would it be?
MSNLive_Star says: No you don't. It just goes abroad, but certain people have the same person do their voice in all their movies like Cameron Diaz in "Shrek."
DishDiva says: Make sure you check out "The Grudge" this weekend!
MSNLive_Star says: I think you can jump from mediums easily, tv, movies, plays. I would love to do a play, but it would have to be the right thing. Something origional.
DishDiva says: I hear you have big plans for tonight.
MSNLive_Star says: We are hosting a midnight screening of the film and they are having a costume contest. So I'm obviously coming as the little Japanese boy. (laughs)
sithpanther in Onstage_1 asks: Where there many differences between "The Grudge" and it's Japenese counterpart film?
DishDiva says: You can also start entering your questions for Jason Behr who will be onstage in 10 minutes.
MSNLive_Star says: There are certainly obvious differences like the blonde girl in the new one. (laughs) There has been some storylines to support the American actors but we stayed true to the story. For this story to remain true it needed to be made in Japan with the same
Spoiledsquishy in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah, many stars have been critized by the media as being too fat, or too thin. What advice can you give to young people to avoid that stereotype?
MSNLive_Star says: director. This is the first time a Japanese movie has been remade in for American audiences with the same director.
MSNLive_Star says: I believe it's a hard time and you have to remember to be healthy. There is no healthy crash diet. Your body needs every nutrition to remain healthy.
MSNLive_Star says: When you look at images in magazines you have to remember there's so much digital work that goes into that. It's important to not base a realistic image on a picture. It's just not realistic.
EvilFirePixie8 in Onstage_1 asks: Greetings from! You've said you won't be singing in Southland Tales. Why not? You've got a great voice.
MSNLive_Star says: Oh you are too kind! I will leave that only for the shower.
DishDiva says: I remember though the singing episode you did on "Buffy" and you guys did a great job with that.
MSNLive_Star says: That was rough. It was a huge undertaking and we only had three weeks and I'm such a perfectionist, three weeks was not long enough for me! But we were really proud of the outcome.
SweetPhotoQueen in Onstage_1 asks: Will you happen to be at the next Comic Con? (Since I missed the last one..
MSNLive_Star says: I don't know, I haven't been invited yet.
Ivy1181 in Onstage_1 asks: Loved your pictures in Entertainment Weekly, I guess you must be a big horror movie fan.
MSNLive_Star says: I love any movie that makes you feel. I love being scared. I love going to the movies and jumping and spilling my popcorn. Thank you for the comment on the pictures.
Natali424x in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Sarah!! I love you so much as an actress, and you're a great role model. Do you ever happen to watch Buffy re-runs on your downtime? How does it make you feel?
MSNLive_Star says: I don't watch them that often because if I have an hour free I have other things I need to do with my time. But sometimes I will flip it on, it just makes me proud.
Watcher-97 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Sarah. As you traveled through Japan, was there any one place that was more special to you than all the others?
MSNLive_Star says: Every experience was so special I could never pick one. I did get to meet a Japanese sword maker, the one that made the ones in "The Last Samurai" and if I had to pick one I would pick that. He's close to being named as a national treasure.
DishDiva says: And he was the one who guided you towards selecting the sword for Freddie?
MSNLive_Star says: Yes.
Buffy_Freak0726 in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah, I just want to say that I am a huge fan of yours, have been since AMC. What I wanted to ask was how's married life? I will be having a Grudge party after the movie wanna come?
MSNLive_Star says: Goodness knows what country I'll even be in, but have a great party. Married life is great, thank you.
Chlorid1 in Onstage_1 asks: Will there be a sequel?
kingster208241 in Onstage_1 asks: Are you considering doing a sequel to the Grudge?
MSNLive_Star says: I don't know, depends on if everyone goes out and sees the first one, but no pressure. (laughs)
VmanNyc20 in Onstage_1 asks: Sarah I'm your biggsest fan my name is varun. What was your favorite movie?
MSNLive_Star says: I have quite a few. "The Princess Bride" and "South Park" the movie.
DishDiva says: What is your idea of a perfect day?
DishDiva says: Now is a great time to enter your questions for Sarah's co-star Jason Behr! He will be onstage in just a few moments!
MSNLive_Star says: I'm pretty lucky in my life. I have a lot of perfect days. I love to travel and sight see. I also love to be at home, walking my dog and spending time with friends and family. I also like to lay on the beach. I'm indecisive. (laughs) I need a perfect week
MSNLive_Star says: Thank you for all your support of this movie and I want to thank everyone.
DishDiva says: Sarah, thanks for joining fans on MSN Live to talk

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Sarah mondta:

"School was always the most important thing."
(Az iskola volt a legfontosabb dolog.)

Revealed, with Jules Asner


available @ daydreaming
Buffy,a vmprok rme
2023. Augusztus
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