Joss Whedon
2005.03.21. 14:15
A Buffy sorozat "atyjának" gondolatait olvashatjátok el Sarah-ról.
"At first we thought of her as Cordelia. But after she read it quickly became apparent she was the one." (on casting Buffy)
"Először Cordelia szerepére gondoltuk,de Buffy szerepének felolvasása után gyorsan láthatóvá vált, hogy ő az igazi.(Buffy szereplőválogatás)
"What Sarah brings to the part is her intelligence, at the same time, she's got that hormonal, idiosyncratic goofiness that makes Buffy not just the Terminator."
"Ahogy Sarah hozzáadja,az intelligenciájának egy részét, az érzelmeit és az egyéni butaságot,ezért Buffy megformálása nem csak a Terminátor."
"Sarah has been doing this for her whole life, and that could make a person completely strange and ...stupid. But Sarah thinks about the whole picture. She could direct. She could produce. She can do all of those things very ably. She's as good an actress as I've ever worked with, and believe me when I say that I am as bitter a man about actors as you will ever meet."
"She's like the best actress ever!"
"Buffy is a very loopy, very funny, very strange person--kind of eccentric. Sarah has all those qualities and you don't find them in a beautiful, young girl very often. She gave use a reading that was letter perfect."
"It's a little hard, a little bit overwhelming, and a little daunting, but she's handling it well."(refering to the show workload)
"There was no second place. We read tons of people and several were staggeringly untalented. Buffy is tough part. It is a character actress in the part of a leading lady...finding Buffy was the biggest challenge, and I think if we hadn't found Sarah, the series might not have happened or lasted."
"My attitude is that the show isn't so good that it's worth anybody getting hurt for it. Sarah is always covered with bruises and I'm always saying, 'Sarah, don't do this stuff. We'll get the close-up of you saying the funny thing after.' 'No, no, I can do it,' she says, and then she gets this giant black-and-blue-mark on her arm. 'Sarah, stop. Please!"
"She's like a businesswoman, in a sense, she loves the acting and gets off on it in a fun, artistic way. But she's also very focused in the Tom Cruise, 'I have an agenda' way. She makes it her business to make it her business."
"It would be difficult to overemphasize Sarah's value to the show. There've been times when we didn't get along. There have been times when we've palled around. But no matter what, she was the other half of Buffy. In seven years, she never let me down."
"I've fallen in love with her"